Thursday, November 19, 2009

You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: gender
Stranger: m male
Stranger: hello
Stranger: r ud ere?
You: Do you have a stuttering problem?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: Hey, would you happen to have a webcam?
You: Hey, would you happen to be a bot?
Stranger: No
You: Oh, I was thinking either bot or desperate; now I know the answer.
You have disconnected.

You: Hello.
Stranger: horny girl with webcam?
You: horny guy with webcam.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: wherre u frm?
You: A distant land where people know how to type properly.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey
You: Hi.
Stranger: asl?
You: 60/M/In your backyard.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey, are you a girl who wants to talk dirty?
You: No, I'm a woman who loves to talk dirty.
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: asl?
You: I already said I was a woman, shouldn't that be just a and l then?
Stranger: alright
Stranger: well since your the one who loves it, you wanna start?
You: No, I enjoy my men when they're aggressive.
You: Not all submissive.
Stranger: well then let me start by aggressively ripping those panties off you and sucking that pussy
You: Hmm, I don't wear panties.
You: I wear Depends.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: I'm gay, want me?
You: Depends on how old you are.
Stranger: 18
You: Too old.
Stranger: aw..
You: Do you have a son, perhaps?
Stranger: no
You: Damn.
You: I must bid you adieu.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stranger: Good evening. I am detective clown! may i ask of your age and gender ?:P
You: Shouldn't you be able to figure that out if you're a detective?
Stranger: well no :p
Stranger: it takesa lot of time you see
You: Bullshit, a good detective can find that shit out in minutes.
You: You're slackin, son.
You: I bet you just watch Law and Order and call it a day.
Stranger: Im a clown detective
Stranger: all i have is a balloon shaped as a dog
Stranger: and a whistle
Stranger: and a freking unicycle
Stranger: a unicycle godddamint!
You: That sounds like a child molester
You: not a detective.
Stranger: Shhh
Stranger: dont blwo my cover
You: Yeah, if I were 5 you would want me to blow a lot, wouldn't you?
Stranger: ofcourse
Stranger: the baloons
Stranger: so i could teach you how to make animals
You: and then touch me in inappropriate places?
Stranger: No such thing.
Stranger: LOOOL
You: ...
You: Dad?
You: Is that you?
You: Dad?!
You: Don't leave me again!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: what's up?
Stranger: nothing much nigggaaaa you?
You: I'll have you know I am the President of the NAACP and I do not find this humorous.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: girl or?
You: or what? what's my other option?
Stranger: well u can be a guy
Stranger: or just choose not to tell me either
You: Can I be a unicorn?
You: I've always wanted to be a unicorn.
Stranger: depends
You: on?
Stranger: if ur gna be a naughty one
You: Fuck, they warned me about you fucking furries.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

This next person is so fucking aggro:
Stranger: hi
You: Hi.
Stranger: how tall are you?
You: I am the President of the National Midget Rights Association and I do not find this humorous.
Stranger: im just asking
Stranger: how tall you are
Stranger: fucker
Stranger: bullshit
Stranger: ass hole
Stranger: you are such a loser
Stranger: loooooooooooooser
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: if you have webcam i will make you wet only female i`m male and i have webcam too
You: A run-on sentence; I'm wet already!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Monday, November 16, 2009

There are no words...

Stranger: ello
You: 'ello, govnah!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hei
You: hi
Stranger: like music?
You: Yeah
You: Am I gonna get rickrolled? or fresh princed?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hi
Stranger: from?
Stranger: asl quickly please!
You: wow
You: desperate much?
Stranger: yes
You: Ease it back, Tiger.
You: Tone it down just a smidgen.
Stranger: i am sephiroth
You: you are 15.
Stranger: 15 times
Stranger: get champion
You: disconnect now
You: before i use my limit break on you.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hero
You: hi
Stranger: how u be?
You: not illiterate.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: Hi
Stranger: sexy girl? o:
You: Desperate guy?
Stranger: oh you know it o:
You: Wanna cyber?
Stranger: o.o i'd rather proof you were a girl before that lol
You: Aww, that's too bad.
Stranger: lol cant be too careful on the webs
You: Yeah, that's true.
You: That's what I told the last guy after I shoved my cock up his ass.
You have disconnected.

Stranger: are you Australian?
You: no but i'm sure you wanna go down under.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hi, how are you?
You: kewl, yah same
Stranger: kewl, yah same.
You: i knew it
You: gimme your photo links and ask me if you're hot
Stranger: Here is my tinypic album, do you think i'm hot? :)
You: your roommate has to use the computer now
Stranger: Crap, my roomate wants the computer! If you want, add me as a friend and send me a msg here: (profile is amanda471), I got a few nudes up there, and my cell :)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I love when I get awesome people:
Stranger: Why did the chicken cross the road?
You: To get to the other side, everyone knows that newfag.
Stranger: Fuck.
Stranger: Way to ruin the joke.
Stranger: Asshole.
You: Aw, do you want another chance?
Stranger: Yes.
You: Okay, start over.
Stranger: Ok.
Stranger: Why did the chicken cross the road?
You: To get to the other side, everyone knows that newfag.
Stranger: Fuck.
Stranger: Way to ruin the joke.
Stranger: Asshole.
You: Aw, do you want another chance? This time I'll be srs bsns
You: I promise.
Stranger: No, you already ruined it. Twice.
Stranger: You have crossed the line!
You: Third time's the charm
Stranger: That's true.
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: Why did the chicken cross the road?
You: Why?
Stranger: To get the the other side, everyone knows that newfag.
You: I love it. A+. Would be trolled again.
Stranger: Lol.
You: Thanks for the amusement, fellow Anon. Troll on, my friend. Troll on.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So many fools, so little time

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: oh jesus, did i time warp into 1995 again? DAMMIT
Stranger: sure why not
Stranger: go back to the future u'll be fine
You: i'll do that. you continue to use asl and keep on being a virgin.
Stranger: =]

You: hi
Stranger: take off you bra
You: Not unless you learn the difference between you and your
Stranger: i have a gun
You: is this the part where I ask "omg really?" and you say "in mah pants"? because i've really heard that too much lately and it's just not as amusing as it once was.
You: Are you crying?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i am thinking and i am on a stove to heat my fingers
You: Cannibalism?
Stranger: no it's just so cold
Stranger: you are so funny
You: That's no good.
You: I'm in the business of being serious.
You: I am not here for amusement.
You: This means I am not doing my job properly.
Stranger: what do u want
You: World Peace.
Stranger: oh my god
You: Yeah, you would think if God existed he would get on it by now, right?
Stranger: r u america?
You: Am I America? The concept of that is kind of erotic, no? Being a HUGE mass, having tons of people walk all over me, throw garbage on me and get me dirty.
You: Not to mention the occassional terrorist attacks, yum.
Stranger: r u a dirt-wagon
You: Are you someone who knows how to spell 'are' and 'you'?
Stranger: know
You: Do I know what?
You: What is it I am supposed to know?
Stranger: i have no idea
You: I am dying with anticipation!
You: You can't just leave me hanging.
Stranger: ah
Stranger: leave me
Stranger: i feel a little crazy
You: and I feel a little bored.
You have disconnected.

Stranger: whats ur twitter?
You: jesus, you start with the goddamn twitter?
You: not even a hi? hello? how are you?

Stranger: 18/m/vegas saying hi
You: 24/f/ny saying bye
You have disconnected.

Stranger: im drunk
You: im trollin
Stranger: im not a troll...but cool
Stranger: i mean cool you're trollin
Stranger: i wish i was shroomin
Stranger: im a girl
You: really?
You: what's that huge mass between your legs then?
Stranger: its a cunt
You: oh, sorry i'm not into chicks with fupas. see ya later.

You: Hi
Stranger: hy
You: trippin on e, I see.
Stranger: sorry, this is the first time for me
You: It always hurts the first time; I'll be gentle.

Stranger: 21/male looking for a horny girl over 18 to trade pics or cam with :) u game?
You: only if you don't mind my massive cock
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: Im a dinosnaur hear me RAWR :D
You: Hmm, I know what a Dinosaur is, but what's a Dinosnaur?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: m/f?
You: m to f
Stranger: why?
You: because everyone loves to look at tits while they're getting fucked by a huge cock.
You: I can feel myself up while I stroke it.
Stranger: YOU MONSTER!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: japan ??
You: dude, slow down.
You: too many typos for me to process at once.

and to end it on a good note, here's someone awesome:

Stranger: Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
You: gotta love yahoo questions.
You: and of course 4chan
Stranger: the game
You: balls
Stranger: mmmm balls
Stranger: ████████████████████
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ █
You: yeah, i can see that
You: love it
You: luigi
You: yoshi!
You: this is awesome, keep them coming.
Stranger: i wish i had moar :(
You: ah well
You: damn
Stranger: hav fun trolling omegle fellow anon... farewell
You: hah bye

Sunday, November 1, 2009
